Below is a list of frequently asked questions with answers regarding the Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program (ILPMP). If you have additional questions, please click here Contact Us and someone from the ILPMP will get in touch with you.
Website Access and Utilization Related Questions
Please visit our Forgot Username and enter your details. If you already have an account, your username will be sent to you via email.
Please click on the Forgot Username to recover your username. After entering your information, an email will be sent to your email address on file with your Username.
Please click on Forgot Password to reset your password. After entering your information, you will receive a temporary password (good for the calendar day it was requested) that can be used to login into your account. Once the temporary is entered, you will be asked to enter a new password.
Log into the website, click on your Username in the upper righthand corner and choose 'Update Profile'. You can update your address, licenses and other information there.
Each prescriber possessing an Illinois Controlled Substance License shall register with the ILPMP at the ILPMP website. Each prescriber or their designee shall also document an attempt to access patient information in the ILPMP to assess patient access to controlled substances when providing an initial prescription for Schedule II narcotics such as opioids, except for oncology treatment, palliative care, or for a 7-day or less supply provided by a hospital emergency department when treating an acute, traumatic medical condition. This attempt to access shall be documented in the patient's medical record. [705 ILCS 570/314.5(c-5)]
No, every prescriber must register via to be compliant with Public Act 100-0564.
The Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) is authorized to take disciplinary action against any prescriber for failure to comply with the registration mandate. Instances of non-compliance will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
It will be up to the prescribers and the health care organizations to develop internal policies to ensure compliance with the documentation portion set forth in Public Act 100-0564.
Prescribers, dispensers, and their authorized designees may utilize the ILPMP for patient care after obtaining access authorization from the ILPMP staff.
Each prescriber or their designee shall also document an attempt to access patient information in the ILPMP to assess patient access to controlled substances when providing an initial prescription for Schedule II narcotics such as opioids, except for oncology treatment, palliative care, or for a 7-day or less supply provided by a hospital emergency department when treating an acute, traumatic medical condition. This attempt to access shall be documented in the patient's medical record. [705 ILCS 570/314.5(c-5)]
The ILPMP is an electronic database that collects, tracks, and stores reported dispensing prescription data on Schedule II-V controlled substances, selected drugs of interest, and patient consented Opioid Treatment Program data. Prescriptions that are required to be reported to the ILPMP
All Schedule II-V prescriptions (12-month history of all CII-V prescriptions dispensed in an Illinois retail pharmacy)
Additional drugs of interest prescriptions that are mandated to be reported (12-month history of: Naltrexone, Naloxone, Butalbital/Acetaminophen/Caffeine, Muscle relaxants, Gabapentin)
Opioid Treatment Program data may be reported only when patient consent is obtained from a provider in direct care of the patient.
Each time a Schedule II-V drug or other selected drugs, as described in Section 2080.230, is dispensed, the dispenser must transmit, by the end of the business day. The scripts are then collected and updated on the website each business day.
There could be several reasons for this:
There may be a difference in patient's name spellings from how you think it is spelled and how it is actually listed in the PMP. For example, a prescription could have been written by a prescriber for a patient with the first name of "Jennifer" but the pharmacy filled it as "Jenifer". Enter the first few characters of the name up to the point where ambiguity may begin. For example, enter "Jen" as the patient first name in this case.
A dispenser did not report the prescription on time.
The dispensing pharmacy is not properly reporting their prescription data to us. If you think that is the situation, please let us know so we can contact that particular pharmacy.
The dispensing pharmacy may have erroneously entered into their computer system your name/DEA number as the prescribing physician. Also,there is the possibility that unauthorized prescriptions are being written using your name and DEA number. Regardless, Contact Us and provide the ILPMP with the details of the discrepancy so we can determine the circumstances of the situation. We will keep you informed about what we find.
According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), this type of consultation is permitted because consultation is
within the HIPAA definition of "treatment". For more information about HIPAA go to the United States Department of Health and Human
Services Office for Civil Rights - HIPPA HOME |
Because the disclosures of information to the ILPMP by pharmacies are mandated and not discretionary, the patient does not need to be
informed of the disclosure and does not need to consent to it. The ILPMP is not a HIPAA-covered entity, nor is it a business associate as defined
by HIPAA, and therefore the requirements and standards for maintaining the security of the Protected Health Information-or for its
redisclosure-that apply to HIPAA covered entities do not apply to the ILPMP. For more information about HIPAA go to the United States
Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights - HIPPA HOME |
The ILPMP is a clinical support tool used to help ensure safety in prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances and drugs of interest.
Utilizing the ILPMP, healthcare providers can view 12 months of a patient's prescription history to aid in clinical decision-making for best patient
outcomes. Licensed prescribers, authorized designees, and dispensers of controlled substances can view the ILPMP data for current and
prospective patients only.
Healthcare entities that are integrated through their Electronic Health Record system, Electronic Medical Record system or Pharmacy
Management Systems are required to submit a list of their prescribers and pharmacists on a semi-annual basis. The IL PMPnow team will return
a list to the healthcare entity including those prescribers or pharmacists that do not already have registered accounts. The healthcare entity can
utilize this list to check prescriber registration and contact the prescribers who still need to register.
No, the prescriber or dispenser is not required to look at the ILPMP in an inpatient setting, but please see Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of
Public Act 100-0564 for further information. The following section is taken from Publica Act 100-0564:
(f) This Section shall not be construed to apply to inpatients, residents at hospitals or other institutions, or to institutional pharmacies
Click Contact Us and provide a simple statement, like "Please add my e-mail address to the ILPMP Newsletter contact list."
Pharmacy or Dispensing Prescribers Reporting Related Questions
Each time a Schedule II-V drug or other selected drugs, as described in Section 2080.230, is dispensed, the
dispenser must report electronically,
by the end of the business day.
See Rule 2080.100 Dispenser Responsibility
If a prescriber notices an error in their prescription information, they shall report it to the dispensing
pharmacy within 7 days
after discovery of the error.
A dispenser who notices an error in a prescription they have dispensed and transmitted shall retract the
incorrect prescription
and retransmit the prescription correctly within 7 days after discovery of the error.
"If no Schedule II-V drug or other selected drug, as described in Section 2080.230, are dispensed, the dispenser must transmit a zero
report, as outlined in the American Society of Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) Prescription Monitoring Program Standard Version 4.2
(2011), to the central repository, no later than the end of the business day. The incorporation by reference includes no later amendments
or editions."
The following are exemptions to reporting to the ILPMP:
Dispenser is a medical facility that dispenses an interim quantity of a substance on an outpatient emergency
Quantity does not exceed a 72-hour supply.
Pharmacy or Prescriber does not dispense ANY controlled substances II, III, IV and V or drugs of interest in the
state of Illinois. Waiver
can be accessed at RxSubmit Application (
An authorized licensed or non-licensed employee of a prescriber's office or pharmacy who has received training in the federal Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and 42 CFR Part 2. Authorized employee types include: registered nurse, licensed practical nurse,
pharmacy technician, student pharmacists, certified medical assistant, dental hygienist, and dental assistant.
See Rule 2080.205 Accessing the ILPMP
First, both prescriber or pharmacist and designee need to have an ILPMP user account. A prescriber or pharmacist can designate access to an
authorized designee by using their State of Illinois License number. The prescriber or pharmacy will then be able to add linked accounts, remove,
and monitor designee history while logged in to their account. Please note, authorized designees will have their own username and password as
sharing of information is prohibited.
Every 180 days the supervisor will need to login to their ILPMP account to review and verify current designees.
An email will be sent to confirm the linking of the user accounts and activation.
IL PMPnow is the name the ILPMP uses to define the direct one-to-one connection/integration from a facility's: Electronic Health Record System
(EHR); Electronic Medical Record System (EMR); ONC Certified Health IT Module; or Pharmacy Management System. The connection creates in-workflow access to the ILPMP data from a patient record.
Under the Controlled Substance Act (Public Act 103-0477), "It is the responsibility of any new, ceased, or unconnected healthcare facility and
its selected Electronic Health Records System or Pharmacy Management System to make contact with and ensure integration with the
Prescription Monitoring Program."
The connection uses national security standards and travels over a secure https web connection. The request and response have end to end
encryption and is locked down by facility username and IP address.
The integration process timeline depends on many factors. The Healthcare Entity needs to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the
ILPMP. The choice of Integration Vendor and ability of the Application Vendor (EHR, EMR, Pharmacy Management Software, etc.) also plays a role
in the length of the process. The ILPMP team will assist the Healthcare Entity through the process.
"Application Vendor" refers to the EHR, Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Certified Health IT module in combination with an EHR or EMR, or
pharmacy management software that is an end user interface, being utilized by a healthcare entity, prescriber, or dispenser in the treatment of
a patient.
"Integration Vendor" means a vendor that provides connectivity between an end user interface, such as an EHR, Certified Health IT Module, or a
pharmacy management system and the ILPMP.
720 ILCS 570/220
Under the Illinois Controlled Substance Act, Section 220, EHR systems shall certify the identity of a third party that will provide access to the PMP
for the EHR system using all or part of a computer program or system that is federally certified Health IT Module for the EHR.
720 ILCS 570/316.1
Under the Illinois Controlled Substance Act, Section 316.1, Integration Vendors are required to complete a Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) with
the Department of Human Services Prescription Monitoring Program and additional documents required by the Department of Information
Any costs will come from the Healthcare Entity's choice of Integration and Application Vendors. To determine these costs, please reach out to
your Integration and Application Vendors to understand the cost model associated with the integration process.
There are no charges from the ILPMP.
Any new or existing connections making changes needs to attend an educational session to review connection requirements, understand
Integration Vendor options, and then complete a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Department of Human Services Prescription
Monitoring Program prior to connecting with the IL PMPnow integration.
Organizations connecting to the IL PMPnow integration must complete and submit a facility and provider template to the IL PMPnow team.
Integration process can begin once all items are received and approved.
IL PMPnow can be used by registered ILPMP users and their authorized designees (depending on their application and integration vendors).
See 2080.205 Accessing the ILPMP
Clerical office staff are not allowed to use the connection
Most integrations produce a single use URL web link. Some integrations provide the ability to save the data as a PDF or other static methods of
retention. This depends on the build and contractual agreements with your application and integration vendors.
Yes, amendments to the Administrative Rule, effective June 2021 allow for the use of an ONC Certified Health IT Module that is an integrated
component of an EHR/Pharmacy Management Software with an attestation statement signed by the Health Care Organization or Pharmacy stating
they will be using the ONC Certified Health IT Module.
Yes, Illinois law states it is the responsibility of any new, ceased, or unconnected facility and its EHR or Pharmacy Management System to make
contact with and ensure integration with the ILPMP. Electronic Prescription law is separate from the above. Please review the e-prescription
requirements for ILCS 570/311.6 to better understand the requirements.
Any service, component, or combination thereof that can meet the requirements of at least one certification criterion adopted under the Office
of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). In order to be an integrated component of the EHR/EMR or Pharmacy
Management Software, the Health IT Module needs to already have access to the data and cannot be a third-party pass through, thus maintaining
the one-to-one secure link.
Yes, IL PMPnow connectivity allows for interstate data searches with approved states.
No, an account remains active if the provider accesses their account a minimum of once per year via This login is used to verify the
providers demographic and license information.
Yes, see Rule 2080.207 EHR Integration with the ILPMP section D) 3) where an updated facility and provider template must be submitted semi-annually to the ILPMP. If your organization has a reporting plan, you can incorporate this semi-annual update into current workflows.
This update should include providers or dispensers who should be removed and added to the organization's connection.
Yes, you can submit one file for all providers, but you should note which facility they are associated with. Depending on the development of the
connection, all providers who are associated to your organization will be approved for all locations within that organization.
If your organization acquires or sells a healthcare facility or pharmacy, the organization or appropriate party should contact the IL PMPnow team
to determine next steps, which would include but not limited to the set-up call, MOU and updated facility and provider templates.
Workplace health-focused systems are exempt from connecting. All other EHR and Pharmacy Management Systems must connect.
Yes, the providers/prescribers practicing in the State of Illinois must have an existing active controlled substance license if prescribing controlled
substances within the borders of Illinois.
You may need to contact your internal IT team or your application vendor to ensure you have been granted access.
If you are not able to e-prescribe, you must contact your EHR. The IL PMPnow integration and ILPMP does not oversee or stop e-prescribing, this
would be an internal or vendor issue.
LogiCoy is a technical partner of the ILPMP who assist the IL PMPnow team in activating and maintaining the registration. The ILPMP data is not
stored by LogiCoy, they are a support team for our program.
OTP data, from patients that consent to sharing data and their providers attest they are in direct care of the patient, may be available to
providers who utilize an Integration Vendor and/or Application Vendor (EHR, EMR, or Pharmacy Management System) that supports the IL
PMPnow interactive user interface. If the information is currently not available within your Application Vendor software, all direct care providers
can view and access OTP data via our website at
Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) Related Questions
If a patient is enrolled into an OTP an OTP icon will appear in the display. As you click on the OTP Data icon a pop up will appear stating "This
patient is enrolled in an Opioid Treatment Program (OTP). ?Information contained in the OTP data icon has additional privacy and confidentiality
protections under Federal Regulation 42 CFR Part 2. ?Please click 'I agree' to verify that you are involved in the direct care of this patient."
OTP data is updated every Thursday. Because of this, we highly recommend clicking the facility link provided on the patient's profile to call and
verify the medication dosage.
OTP data, from patients that consent to sharing data and their providers attest they are in direct care of the patient, may be available to
providers who utilize an Integration Vendor and/or Application Vendor (EHR, EMR, or Pharmacy Management System) that supports the IL
PMPnow interactive user interface. If the information is currently not available within your Application Vendor software, all direct care providers
can view and access OTP data via our website at
OTP data cannot be printed, shared, screen captured (in any format) or saved under any circumstances. See section 2.32 Prohibition on re-disclosure of eCFR :: 42 CFR Part 2 -- Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records
HIPAA protects the privacy and security of general health information and applies to covered entities (healthcare providers, health plans,
healthcare clearinghouses) and business associates. The purpose of HIPAA is to protect health data integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility.
HIPAA permits disclosures without patient consent for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. 42 CFR Part 2 protects the privacy and
security of records identifying individuals as seeking or receiving SUD treatment from a "Part 2 program." The purpose is to encourage people to
enter and remain in SUD treatment by guaranteeing confidentiality. The regulation requires patient consent for most disclosures, including for
treatment, payment, and healthcare operations, with limited exceptions.
For more information, refer to 42 CFR Part 2 and PDMPs: Frequently Asked Questions (
For additional questions, please call the OTP facility.
For questions regarding reporting requirements, patient consent form, patient brochure
contact: Richard Weisskopf at
For technical issues with using the ILPMP contact us
For facility questions, please contact the OTP facility via the facility hyperlink on the patient's OTP profile