Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions with answers. If you have additional questions, please Contact Us.

Website Related Questions

Please visit our Forgot Username page and enter your details. If you already have an account, your username will be sent to you via email.

Please visit Forgot Username page to recover your username and Forgot Password page to reset your password.

Licensed prescribers and dispensers of controlled substances can view the PMP data for current and prospective patients only. Law enforcement officers are allowed indirect access to prescription data during an active investigation.

The PMP contains all Schedule 2,3,4 and 5 prescriptions dispensed by Illinois retail pharmacies.

All retail pharmacies that dispense schedule drugs are required to report their scripts to the PMP on a daily basis. The scripts are then collected and updated on the website each business day.

There could be several reasons for this:
1. The dispensing pharmacy is not properly reporting their prescription data to us. If you think that is the situation, please let us know so we can contact that particular pharmacy.
2. There may be a difference in patient’s name spellings from how you think it is spelled and how it is actually listed in the PMP. For example, a prescription could have been written by a prescriber for a patient with the first name of "Jennifer" but the pharmacy filled it as "Jenifer". Enter the first few defining letters of the name up to the point where ambiguity may begin. For example, enter "Jen" as the patient first name in this case.

The dispensing pharmacy may have erroneously entered into their computer system your name/DEA number as the prescribing physician. And of course, there is the possibility that unauthorized prescriptions are being written using your name and DEA number. Regardless, please call the PMP with the details of the discrepancy so we can determine the circumstances of the situation. We will keep you informed about what we find.

According to HIPAA, this type of consultation is permitted because consultation is within the HIPAA definition of "treatment". For more information about HIPAA go to the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights - HIPAA Page

Because the disclosures of information to the PMP by Pharmacies are mandated and not discretionary, the patient does not need to be informed of the disclosure, and does not need to consent to it. For more information about HIPAA go to the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights - HIPAA Page.

The PMP database is most useful for detecting and preventing "doctor-shopping." If your registration is approved, you can log on and view the last year of controlled substance prescriptions for a patient. If you see a pattern of excessive use of controlled substances, you can use more caution in prescribing or dispensing to the patient. Another use for the database is for prescribers to detect pharmacy errors or fraudulent use of their DEA numbers. A prescriber can log in and and run a report displaying all schedule drugs reported with their DEA number.

Each prescriber should register themselves on the website.

Mandatory Registration and PMP Usage Questions

All prescribers with a State of Illinois issued controlled substance license must register with the ILPMP regardless of practice type. It is mandatory to search the PMP upon prescribing schedule 2 narcotics.

No, every prescriber must register on the PMP website to be compliant with Public Act 100-0564.

It will be up to the prescribers and the health care organizations to develop internal policies to ensure compliance with the documentation portion set forth in Public Act 100-0564.

The Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) is generally authorized to take disciplinary or non-disciplinary enforcement action against any prescriber for failure to comply. Instances of non-compliance will be handled on a case-by-case basis. The IDFPR encourages early compliance, and will enforce new requirements to assist in the goal of reducing opioid abuse and overdose.

We would consider inpatient use exempt from the requirements set forth in this public act. '(f) This Section shall not be construed to apply to inpatients, residents at hospitals or other institutions, or to institutional pharmacies.'

The only exemptions listed in Public Act 100-0564 include the following:
1. Oncology Treatment
2. Palliative Care
3. 7-Day or less supply provided by an Emergency Department (treating an acute, traumatic medical condition)
Note: (f) This Section shall not be construed to apply to inpatients or residents at hospitals or other institutions or to institutional pharmacies - Public Act

It would not be required if the prescriber is not issuing an actual prescription, but it would still be considered best practice to know the patient’s controlled substance history.

In May of 2021, Missouri Legislature passed SB 63 which authorized a statewide PDMP which will be called Missouri PDMP and will encompass the entire state now. The statewide PDMP launched December 13, 2023, at which time the STL PDMP ceased operation. When the Missouri Legislature approved this law it did so without giving the new Missouri PDMP the authority to share data with healthcare providers from other states.

Yes, Missouri providers will have authority to access the ILPMP database.
To register:
Go to
Click on ILPMP Website Registration.
Choose Prescriber or Pharmacist role.
Click on blue tab “I do not have an Illinois License Number”
Continue to fill out form.

More information can be found on For your convenience, see links below of newly released short videos about the ILPMP.
ILPMP Overview - YouTube
Registering for an ILPMP account - YouTube
ILPMP Pharmacy Reporting - YouTube
PMPnow Integration - YouTube
ILPMP Data Dashboards - YouTube
ILPMP Educational Resources - YouTube
ILPMP OTP Reporting - YouTube
ILPMP Inter State Data Sharing and Integration - YouTube

Click Contact Us and provide a simple statement, like “Please add my e-mail address to the ILPMP Newsletter contact list.”

Designee Related Questions

An authorized licensed or non-licensed employee of a prescriber's office or pharmacy who has received training in the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and 42 CFR Part 2. Authorized employee types include: registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, pharmacy technician, student pharmacists, certified medical assistant, dental hygienist, and dental assistant.

The prescriber or dispenser shall only have up to five designees, with the exception of a hospital or other authorized location such as a long-term care facility/opioid treatment facility.

First, both prescriber or pharmacist and designee need to have an ILPMP user account. A prescriber or pharmacist can designate access to an authorized designee by using their State of Illinois License number. The prescriber or pharmacy will then be able to add linked accounts, remove, and monitor designee history while logged in to their account. Please note, authorized designees will have their own username and password as sharing of information is prohibited.

An email will be sent to confirm the linking of the user accounts for both the prescriber or pharmacy and the authorized designee.

More information is available in the: ILPMP Designee Manual and 77-2080 Administrative Rule for Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program.

PMPNow Related Questions

PMPnow is the name the IL PMP uses to define the direct one-to-one connection/integration from a facility's: Electronic Health Record System (EHR); Electronic Medical Record System (EMR); ONC Certified Health IT Module; or Pharmacy Management System. Under the Controlled Substance Act (Public Act 100-0564), all locations that provide health care services and have an EHR, EMR, or pharmacy management system, are required to have the direct, one-to-one connection.

The connection travels over a secure https web connection. The request and response have end to end encryption and is locked down by facility username and IP address.

Connections will be finalized after receiving and verifying the appropriate documentation. If your vendor has not completed the integration programing with our team, it could take several months, depending on the vendor’s processes. Our team is ready to work with any vendor that meets the requirements outline in the statute. Please see PMPnow Connected Vendor List for the EHR/Pharmacy Management Systems currently integrated.

New vendors must fill out the Vendor Request to Connect form located on the IL PMP website under Quick Links. Our team will then follow up with the requesting vendor after review and proceed as appropriate.

Prior to January 1, 2022, there were no charge(s) from the IL PMP or the IL PMP vendor partner. There may be charges for integration after January 1, 2022. Charges from the EHR/Pharmacy Management System vendor(s) can vary greatly.

PMPnow can be used by registered IL PMP users and their authorized designees. Clerical office staff are not allowed to use the connection.

Most integrations produce a single use URL web link.  Some integrations do provide the ability to save the data as a PDF or other methods of retention.  This will depend on the build and contract agreements.

There is no formal process for an extension as this has been a statutory requirement since January 2018.  

The Administrative Rules for this statutory requirement state that after January 1, 2022, the IL PMP may begin assessing fines for non-compliance.  The IL PMP encourages providers to work with our team to outline a plan for compliance.

Amendments to the Administrative Rule have occurred in 2021 that allow for the use of an ONC Certified Health IT Module that is an integrated component of an EHR/Pharmacy Management Software with an attestation statement signed by the Health Care Organization or Pharmacy stating they will be using the ONC Certified Health IT Module.

Yes, Illinois Public Act 100-0564, which requires the integration of the electronic health record system into the Illinois PMP, is separate from the practice acts and prescription requirements. Effective, January 1, 2023, under Illinois Public Act 102-0490 prescribers will be required to ePrescribe if they prescribe over 25 prescriptions in a 12-month period.

The Illinois Controlled Substance Act requires all EHR/EMRs and pharmacy management software. New vendors must fill out the Vendor Request to Connect form located on the IL PMP website under Quick Links.

Any service, component, or combination thereof that can meet the requirements of at least one certification criterion adopted under the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). In order to be an integrated component of the EHR/EMR or Pharmacy Management Software, the Health IT Module needs to already have access to the data and cannot be a third-party pass through, thus maintaining the one-to-one secure link. 

Yes, PMPnow connectivity allows for interstate data searches with states utilizing the RxCheck Hub connection available to Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs. There is a list of connected states in the Quick Links section of the IL PMP website titled State Hub Data Sharing Status.

You can find this in Title 77: Public Health, Chapter X: Department of Human Services, Subchapter e: Controlled Substances Activities, Part 2080 Electronic Prescription Monitoring Program, Section 2080.207 EHR Integration with the PMP


Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) Related Questions

The ILPMP collects both Illinois retail pharmacy Controlled Substance II-V and select drugs of interest data and Opioid Treatment Program data. If a patient is enrolled into an OTP facility an OTP icon will appear in the icon row. Only healthcare professionals in direct care of this patient are allowed to view this information.

No. OTP data has a lag time of up to 1 week. ILPMP receives a new data file from SUPR every Wednesday; it is then uploaded to the database every Thursday. Because of this, we highly recommend clicking the facility link provided on the patient’s profile to call and verify the medication dosage.

OTP data is housed separately from Illinois retail pharmacy data. Due to 42 CFR Part 2 privacy and security measure, OTP data has additional security standards in which ILPMP must comply by.

No. OTP data cannot be printed, shared, screen captured (in any format) or saved under any circumstances. See section 2.32 Prohibition on re-disclosure of eCFR :: 42 CFR Part 2 -- Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records

HIPAA protects the privacy and security of general health information and applies to covered entities (healthcare providers, health plans, healthcare clearinghouses) and business associates. The purpose of HIPAA is to protect health data integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility. HIPAA permits disclosures without patient consent for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. 42 CFR Part 2 protects the privacy and security of records identifying individuals as seeking or receiving SUD treatment from a “Part 2 program.” The purpose is to encourage people to enter and remain in SUD treatment by guaranteeing confidentiality. The regulation requires patient consent for most disclosures, including for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations, with limited exceptions.

If a patient is enrolled into an OTP facility an OTP icon will appear in the icon row. As you click on the OTP Data icon a pop up will appear stating “This patient is enrolled in an Opioid Treatment Program (OTP).  Information contained in the OTP data icon has additional privacy and confidentiality protections under Federal Regulation 42 CFR Part 2.  Please click "I agree" to verify that you are involved in the direct care of this patient.”

Yes, please call to verify dosage. Detailed information (phone number, address) will be available via the facility hyperlink on the patient’s OTP profile.

For questions regarding requirements, consent form, brochure
contact: Richard Weisskopf,
If you experience any technical issues with using the ILPMP contact us here
For technical questions Contact:

Opioid Treatment Programs and use of the ILPMP Patient Consent webinar can be viewed at Upcoming Events and Programs for Prevention First.
The webinar includes: overview of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act (720 ILCS 570/316), review of the Consent Form and Patient Flyer, relevance of obtaining patient consent, information regarding use of the Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program, and review of the updated OTP Manual. PowerPoint Presentation (